New enterprise zone could create 828 full-time jobs

New enterprise zone could create 828 full-time jobs

MAJOR multi-million pound council plans to build an employment park near Brighouse will come before planning councillors next week.

Calderdale Council’s application – at this stage for outline permission only – for the Clifton Enterprise Zone scheme is set to be determined when the authority’s Planning Committee when it meets next Tuesday, December 17, at Halifax Town Hall from 6pm.

Concerns including traffic congestion and air quality have been lodged by objectors to the proposals for the 25.5 hectare site at land off Coal Pit Lane at Clifton.

If approved, it will be be one of the Leeds City Region Enterprise Zones, supported by Leeds City Region Enterprise Partnership, West Yorkshire Combined Authority, Calderdale Council, and the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government.

The planning application seeks outline permission for an employment park comprising offices, research and development centres, light industrial units, general industrial units and storage and distribution developments.

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The council believes the proposals will be of major economic benefit for Calderdale, creating an estimated 300 temporary jobs during the build phase and then an estimated 828 net additional full-time equivalent jobs in the borough’s economy generating an estimated £42.6 million of gross value a year, according to briefing papers with the application.

But objectors remain concerned about a range of issues, most notably traffic impacts and the effect on air quality.

In all 42 letters of objection were initially received to the application, with three more following raising similar points following the addendum on air quality to the plan’s environmental statement submitted with the application by the council.

Air quality, noise and light pollution, increases in traffic, amenity, wildlife issues and matters relating to compulsory purchase of the land are among those lodged with the council.

Clifton Village Neighbourhood Forum also sent in a late objection, with concerns particularly traffic congestion and air quality.

Ward councillor Coun Scott Benton (Con, Brighouse) lodged an objection, saying: “As a local councillor for the area, I have been contacted by dozens of residents in relation to this application.

“Every single resident who has contacted me has objected to this application for these reasons.”

He goes on to detail unsuitability and health concerns, concerns the site is inappropriate and cites West Yorkshire Police concerns about potential crime.

He also points to the topography of the site, arguing it had previously used for open cast mining.

Twelve letters of support have also been received with the application, arguing businesses are having to go outside the borough because of the demand for units the plans would meet, there are currently no large sites for expansion available within Calderdale, it would allow local firms to invest in Calderdale and retain skilled jobs here, and that the site is well located, close to the M62 motorway.

With 49 planning conditions at this stage, council planning officers believe concerns are addressed and are recommending councillors approve the proposals.