She Who Dares Wins founder takes studio in…

She Who Dares Wins founder takes studio in refurbished mill complex

THE founder of inspirational content and clothing company, She Who Dares Wins, has taken space at Sunny Bank Mills in Farsley.

Michelle Hands has moved her firm into a studio in the refurbished 10 Old Combing building in the heart of the mill complex.

Michelle, who has spent 17 years in the male-dominated property, construction and civil engineering sectors, set up She Who Dares Wins to inspire and empower women to take up careers in these industries.

She explained: “She Who Dares Wins is a culmination of my life’s experience, combining my training and work as an actor, filmmaker, content creator and public speaker with my life as a construction engineer, predominantly in landfill sites across the UK.

“I have lived in a man’s world for most of my life, which has been both fascinating and challenging. Working with tough Alpha males, whose behaviour often leaves a good deal of room for improvement, is eye-opening.

“But the experience inspired me to create a company and a brand that empowers women to challenge convention and celebrate their own strengths and I am delighted to report that this has gained real traction, bringing a strong and vibrant community together.”

Michelle, who lives in nearby Horsforth, runs her own clothing brand as well as creating content, videos and podcasts for clients.