Shops to be turned into ‘vibrant community hubs’

Shops to be turned into ‘vibrant community hubs’

BRADFORD is set to pioneer a new initiative aimed at revitalising the High Street by opening up vacant shops to community groups.

The nationwide scheme will see empty units taken over for up to a year.

Announcing the plan, Communities Secretary James Brokenshire said towns and cities across the country will benefit from the plan with empty shops turned into vibrant community hubs.

The Open Doors project, in partnership with the Meanwhile Foundation, will help community projects transform town centres by renovating unused retail units and making them fit for purpose.

Bradford’s lead project will be on John Street, where a central shop front will be spruced up with plants, sofas and lockers, ready to give back to the local community.

Working with experts in managing the process of vacant high street properties which are temporarily available or for ‘meanwhile use’, the Government will work to match public and private landlords with community groups offering vital services from well-being classes to business support sessions and mentoring for social enterprises.

The partnership will help tackle social problems linked to declining high streets such as crime, unemployment and loneliness.

Mr Brokenshire said: “Our high streets are the beating heart of the places we call home and make a real difference to the wellbeing of our communities.

“This pilot is a great way to tackle some of the challenges faced by landlords and communities.”