Skipton Building Society announces job losses plan

Skipton Building Society announces job losses plan

SKIPTON Building Society has announced 171 jobs are at risk as a consultation begins into an ‘organisational design review’.

The company, which employs 2,373 staff, said branches were not closing and the review was looking at creating 117 new roles.

A company spokesperson said: “Skipton has a purpose and bold ambition to support more people than ever in making their money work harder and in financing a home. Throughout 2023 Skipton has evolved its business, creating two new divisions and aligning its products and services to meet these two growing and evolving customer needs. Part of this journey now sees the Society reviewing its organisational design to ensure it creates and delivers the best products, services and value for members.

“The Society is creating 117 new roles and has placed 171 roles at risk. Understandably, it’s not appropriate for us to give any further details at this stage while we enter a period of consultation.”

Aegis union assistant general secretary Brian McDaid, who is also a Skipton town councillor, said the news was disappointing. 

He said: “We have commenced collective consultation with senior management to review the rationale for their decision. We will meet regularly throughout this to raise any necessary challenges, ensure the process is fair and consistent and there is minimal impact on our members.

“It is disappointing that some of our members and colleagues have already gone through similar exercises over the last few years, where the rationale by the senior management at the time, was to move the business forward and strengthen their position in a competitive and ever-changing market.

“Therefore, we understand that our members and their colleagues will be concerned that once again they are in the same position with similar rationale and will be cynical that this time will be any different.

“Any job loss at any time is difficult and emotion for those affected, but it is even more concerning at a time when many of our members are facing difficult times due to the cost-of-living crisis.

“We also recognise that this could have an impact on our local community, where Skipton Building Society is seen as the spearhead of local employment.

“Our focus will be to provide full support and representation to those individual members impacted through their formal consultations and we will be in contact with them all throughout this process.

“We will also be holding member sessions throughout this process for those affected and other members who may want to ask questions about the long-term impact this may have on them or their colleagues.”