Online running shoes, running clothing and outdoor gear retailer has announced a new retail partnership with health and life insurer Vitality. is now available to Vitality members through the Vitality Programme – the insurer’s behaviour change programme – that rewards and incentivises Vitality’s 1.8m members to live healthier and more active lives.
Vitality members will have access to up to 50 per cent* off a pair of running shoes, plus additional discounts on a wide range of products from, including offers on clothing and trainers from leading running and fitness brands.
Commenting on the partnership, Nick Read, managing director of the Vitality Programme, said: “We are pleased to be partnering with to bring a full range of sports clothes and shoes to our Vitality members.
“Our Vitality Programme is scientifically proven to support people to make healthier choices, offering the very best rewards that further incentivise people to make healthier choices.’s addition to the Programme is a natural evolution for it, with members now able to access exclusive discounts on sportwear that will help them to be more physically active.”
Established in 1982, Shipley-headquartered offers customers more than 17,000 products from 150 global running and outdoor brands.
From a running perspective these include Asics, Nike, Adidas, Hoka, New Balance and Brooks whilst in terms of outdoor they include Salomon, Montane, Rab and Patagonia. managing director, Brett Bannister, said: “At, our mission is to explore new ways to support more people to lead happier and healthier lives through physical activity.
“This aligns perfectly with the Vitality Programme’s commitment to inspiring and empowering its members to make better choices for a healthier lifestyle.
“Our exciting new partnership will support its members’ running and activity journeys through providing exclusive discounts on an extensive range of the best products from leading brands.”
Last year, the £90m-turnover retailer announced an exclusive global retail partnership with community event network parkrun.
It marked the biggest retail partnership has secured to date and sees the company supporting more than nine million registered parkrunners globally.
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